Nouns List

These are nouns in alphabetical order along with their antonyms. Noun is a naming word of a place, thing or a person. Antonym is a word which has opposite meaning of the certain word. These are commonly used and helpful to enhance your English vocabulary.

Nouns List - A

Noun : Antonym
  1. Abundance : Dearth
  2. Advantage : Disadvantage
  3. Adversity : Prosperity
  4. Analysis : Synthesis
  5. Ancestors : Descendants
  6. Arrival : Departure
  7. Ascent : Descent

Nouns List - B

Noun : Antonym
  1. Beauty : Ugliness
  2. Beginning : End
  3. Belief : Disbelief
  4. Bravery : Cowardice

Nouns List - C

Noun : Antonym
  1. Care : Neglect
  2. Civilization : Barbarism
  3. Creditor : Debtor

Nouns List - D

Noun : Antonym
  1. Day : Night
  2. Disease : Health
  3. Dwarf : Giant

Nouns List - E

Noun : Antonym
  1. Economy : Extravagance
  2. Entrance : Exit
  3. Equality : Inequality
  4. Exterior : Interior

Nouns List - F

Noun : Antonym
  1. Falsehood : Truth
  2. Folly : Wisdom
  3. Freedom : Slavery

Nouns List - G

Noun : Antonym
  1. Gain : Loss
  2. Gratitude : Ingratitude

Nouns List - H

Noun : Antonym
  1. Happiness : Sadness
  2. Haste : Delay
  3. Heaven : Hell
  4. Hope : Despair

Nouns List - I

Noun : Antonym
  1. Ignorance : Knowledge
  2. Import : Export

Nouns List - J

Noun : Antonym
  1. Joy : Sorrow
  2. Juniority : Seniority

Nouns List - M

Noun : Antonym
  1. Major : Minor
  2. Master : Servant
  3. Maximum : Minimum
  4. Merit : Demerit
  5. Motion : Rest

Nouns List - P

Noun : Antonym
  1. Plenty : Scarcity
  2. Poetry : Prose
  3. Presence : Absence
  4. Pride : Humility

Nouns List - S

Noun : Antonym
  1. Solid : Liquid
  2. Synonym : Antonym

Nouns List - T

Noun : Antonym
  1. Top : Bottom

Nouns List - V

Noun : Antonym
  1. Victory : Defeat
  2. Virtue : Vice

Nouns List - W

Noun : Antonym
  1. War : Peace
  2. Wisdom : Folly

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